Hours & Rate

"Monday, February 17th : Holiday Rate"
  • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM $30 per hour per lane
  • 5:00 PM - 12:00 AM $35 per hour per lane

"NOTE: Tuesday and Thursday, there is limited lane available between 5 PM - 9 PM due to league bowling."

Days & Hours of Operation:

Monday - Thursday 10am to 1am
Friday & Saturday 10am to 2am
Sunday 10am to 12am (midnight)

Bowling Rates:

(rates below do not include applicable taxes)
Monday 10am to 4pm $2.00 per person per game
4pm to 9pm $6.00 per person per game
9pm to 12am $2.00 per person per game
Tuesday 10am to 4pm $2.00 per person per game
4pm to 9pm $6.00 per person per game
9pm to 12am $2.00 per person per game
Wednesday 10am to 4pm $2.00 per person per game
4pm to 9pm $6.00 per person per game
9pm to 12am $2.00 per person per game
Thursday 10am to 4pm $2.00 per person per game
4pm to 9pm $6.00 per person per game
9pm to 12am $2.00 per person per game
Friday 10am to 5pm $25 per hour per lane for up to 6 bowlers
5pm to 1am $40 per hour per lane for up to 6 bowlers
Saturday 10am to 5pm $30 per hour per lane for up to 6 bowlers
5pm to 1am $40 per hour per lane for up to 6 bowlers
Sunday 10am to 5pm $30 per hour per lane for up to 6 bowlers
5pm to 12am $35 per hour per lane for up to 6 bowlers
Holiday 10am to 5pm $30 per hour per lane for up to 6 bowlers
5pm to 12am $35 per hour per lane for up to 6 bowlers

Shoe Rental

• Shoe rental as needed $5 for adults, $2 for children/seniors (under 13 or above 60)
  ($2 shoe rental for seniors and children are only available until 5pm)
• Additional time available for purchase in half hour increments on a prorated basis
• Applicable taxes to be added to the above pricing
• Above rates & hours of operation are subject to change without advance notice

For more information, call us at (604) 299-9381 or email us at inquiry@revs.ca or you also can post your question to our Customer Feedback

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REVS Function Coordinators make planning your next function a breeze. To get in touch, please complete the following form. Send us an email via our Request Form. Our Function Coordinators will get straight back to you.

Corporate/Group Party | Children's Party